[SystemSafety] Another unbelievable failure (file system overflow)

Chris Hills safetyyork at phaedsys.com
Thu May 28 14:23:50 CEST 2015

Interesting one Roberto. I for one, can imagine it happening in a resource strapped small company:

Programmer: "Got that bloody file system driver working. Had to hack some crap together to figure out where the problem is, but I figured it out so I'll just go back and take out the nonsense."
Manager: "It's working right? We have to ship!"
Programmer: "It's working now, but it's very suspect."
Manager: "Good, it's working. Ship now. We'll do whatever polishing you want in version 2."
Programmer: "Sigh. The proverbial 'version 2' that never comes..."


I find that this is normally trotted out:  the Bad Manager and the Good Programmer

However after many years of writing software,  latterly selling, among other things,  static analysers and doing many conference presentations on software development:
I find that 70%+ of C and C++ programmers still see no need for static analysis!  The don't like to have to work to style guides and fight against code subsets.   

Incidentally at a UK tradeshow/Conference we run a coding challenge to find the errors in 30-50 lines of code.  Generally the best scores are around 30% compared to those found by static analyser. 

So despite, or perhaps because, I have been a programmer I don't hold to the automatic  Bad-Manager/Good-Programmer  stereotypes.  It is normally six of one and half a dozen of the other. 


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