[SystemSafety] The mindset for safety-critical systems design

paul_e.bennett at topmail.co.uk paul_e.bennett at topmail.co.uk
Wed Sep 19 11:02:57 CEST 2018

On 19/09/2018 at 9:39 AM, "Tim Schürmann" <tschuerm at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de> wrote:
>Hi :)
>On 18.09.2018 17:11, Olwen Morgan wrote:
>> The two cardinal principles of critical systems design are:
>> 1.    Whatever is not there cannot go wrong (so do not include 
>> functions that you do not need).
>> 2.    Whatever is there is less likely to go wrong the simpler 
>it is.
>> [...]
>In the context of the above stated principles, what would be your 
>on the 'Incremental development of software'
>favored by Brooks in his book 'The Mythical Man-Month'? (Original 
>Harlan Mills 1971, afaik).

There is actually a lot of sense in what Olwen and Tim say here. As one
who uses Forth for the development of higher integrity systems in the
control world, I find great benefit in growing the exactly the code required
by building from the simple basis of the required minimal word-set. This
often results in applications with smaller memory footprint than the same
application in other languages. The added benefit, if the procedural care
during development is taken, generating fully certifiable code is not that
much of a stretch. Often with little additional effort.

Side benefits, providing the repository for certified components is secured,
is the availability of a library of pre-certified components that can be selected
and re-used.


Paul E. Bennett IEng MIET
Systems Engineer
Lunar Mission One Ambassador
Paul E. Bennett IEng MIET.....
Forth based HIDECS Consultancy.............
Mob: +44 (0)7811-639972
Tel: Due to relocation - new number TBA. Please use Mobile.
Going Forth Safely ..... EBA. www.electric-boat-association.org.uk..

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