[SystemSafety] C for OSs

Olwen Morgan olwen at phaedsys.com
Tue Sep 17 21:55:22 CEST 2019

On 17/09/2019 15:24, Peter Bernard Ladkin wrote:
> -<snip>-
> Three decades later, my university does not subscribe to any of the journals I consider relevant in
> system safety. It barely finds the resources to subscribe to what we used to think of as the
> definitive journals in computer science. It is not their fault, or my faculty's fault (although I
> used to think it was) or my fault (it's never my fault). There are just so many journals and they
> cost high-three-figure or four-figure sums of money. Or you can get them bundled for five figures.
> And they all go away soon after you decide you don't have the five-figures for this year because
> your tastes/trend-subjects have shifted.


The major journal publishers are IMO, gouging the academic community for 
all they can get out of it. Profit margins in journal publishing, I've 
been told, are 30-40% - much higher than in book publishing.

Hasten the day when online public journals are the exclusive norm and 
the rip-off artists have gone the way of the dinosaurs..



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