[SystemSafety] Explainability of "Algorithms"

Nick Lusty nl887 at my.open.ac.uk
Wed Jun 28 15:49:25 CEST 2017

Hi Derek,

...or (At least in British English) as described in the OED:

"A procedure or set of rules used in calculation and problem-solving; 
(in later use /spec./) a precisely defined set of mathematical or 
logical operations for the performance of a particular task."*

*"algorithm, n.". OED Online. June 2017. Oxford University Press. 
(accessed June 28, 2017).

But to be fair, I am sure that Peter seems to be referring to some 
informal drift of meaning within the Mathematical/Software/Systems 
Engineering discourse community, with which descriptive publications 
like the OED and Wikipedia have not yet caught up. It might therefore be 
useful to cite where the new definition has been used.



On 28/06/2017 12:29, Derek M Jones wrote:
> Peter,
>> The word "algorithm" has recently changed its meaning. It used to 
>> mean a von-Neumann-type procedural
>> method for attaining a specified goal, and the typical goals were 
>> mathematically or otherwise
> I think you are living in your own personal bubble on this one.
> To quote that well known source of reliable information, Wikipedia:
> "In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm 
> (Listeni/ˈælɡərɪðəm/ AL-gə-ri-dhəm) is a self-contained sequence of 
> actions to be performed."
> I have never had any expectation that the result of an algorithm
> has any degree of accuracy or even produces a result connected to
> anything.
> An algorithm is a sequence of action.  What is claimed to be the
> result of those actions is marketing.

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