[SystemSafety] MITstamp20

Simon Whiteley simon at whiteley-safety.co.uk
Tue Oct 29 19:33:47 CET 2019

Hi all,
Please see message below from Nancy Leveson regarding: MIT STAMP workshop 2020.

See you there,
Simon Whiteley



Fwd:  News about STAMP and the March STAMP Workshop

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Please feel free to distribute this message to others.

John and I are busy giving classes all over the world and new STPA international standards have been approved or are in development. Things are booming. The English and Japanese versions of the STPA Handbook together have had over 41,000 downloads in the year and a half they have been up on the web. The newer CAST Handbook can also now be downloaded. 

The workshop will be from March 23-26 with some new features this year. There will be special meetings for aviation and automobiles on Thursday March 26. 
Again, the workshop will be at MIT and will be free for participants. http://psas.scripts.mit.edu/home/2020-workshop-information/
Please consider submitting abstracts for presentations or ideas for sessions.
     Call for Presentations for the March Workshop: http://sunnyday.mit.edu/call-for-presentations2020.pdf 
     Link for submitting abstracts for presentation: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwwIWsnCku0bLd2K-AYz7pAG4MT-U56U0WIjS0iuEnwnzBKDLVv/exec
     Registration for the March Workshop: http://psas.scripts.mit.edu/home/2020-stamp-workshop-registration/

As the last two links use Google Docs and some companies block it, please mail me (leveson at mit.edu) and I will register you and/or accept your abstract directly. You may also be able to access the links from your home computer. You should get an automatic acknowledgement for registration and submission of abstracts if your submission was effective.

Nancy's White Papers : http://psas.scripts.mit.edu/home/nancys-white-papers/
   Shortcomings of the Bow Tie and other Safety Tools Based on Linear Causality
   Improving the Standard Risk Matrix: Part 1
   An Engineering Perspective on Avoiding Inadvertent Nuclear War (a commissioned paper on NC3)
   How to Perform Hazard Analysis on a "System of Systems" 
       [In preparation: a white paper on Safety-III and one on how to use STPA to create a conceptual architecture]
List of papers, examples, theses available online: 
    Includes the STPA and CAST Handbooks and a sorted list of STPA-related papers and theses: http://sunnyday.mit.edu/STAMP-publications-sorted.pdf

Links to the STPA support tools we know about: http://psas.scripts.mit.edu/home/2016-2/

Warm Regards, Nancy

Prof. Nancy Leveson
Aeronautics and Astronautics
MIT, Room 33-334
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02142

Telephone: 617-258-0505 (MIT)
Mobile: 617-460-5749

Email: leveson at mit.edu
URL: http://sunnyday.mit.edu

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