[SystemSafety] UL4600

Olwen Morgan olwen at phaedsys.com
Thu Jul 9 18:43:17 CEST 2020


On the first slide there is a bullet point that reads: "How to 
contribute to the next version"

Call me a bigoted British pedant, but my reading of this is that it's 
implicit admission that UL think it's OK to publish something that they 
know might have serious holes that they plan to patch as they go later. 
In my experience, it's a common practice in the arrantly dysfunctional 
culture that permeates standardisation in the US. They often don't even 
write the documents in correct, leave alone succinct, English!

Sorry, Phil K. ... Nothing personal. ... It's just based on long and 
jaundiced experience in Cystopia.


On 09/07/2020 17:19, paul_e.bennett at topmail.co.uk wrote:
> On 7/9/2020 at 4:12 PM, "Martyn Thomas" <martyn at thomas-associates.co.uk> wrote:
>> Is it possible to get a copy without paying several hundred
>> dollars?
>> Martyn
>> Martyn Thomas CBE FREng
>> Fellow, Gresham College
> I recall that you can browse an online version for free (maybe following
> some registration), but the paper copies are expensive. I only knew
> about UL4600 because Philip Koopman did a video presentation on it
> which I found on LinkedIn. The link to the YouTube version is here.
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2s8qbZ8g8M&feature=youtu.be>
> It is, I think, a carefully considered presentation that certainly lays out
> the essential steps and considerations. Well worth the watch.
> Regards
> Paul E. Bennett IEng MIET
> Systems Engineer
> Lunar Mission One Ambassador

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